Children/Youth Ministries
“Marked with the cross of Christ forever, we are claimed, gathered, and sent for the sake of the world.” The mission statement of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Pre-K through Elementary – Following the opening hymn and prayers, the Children’s Message is presented and the children depart to the fellowship hall for Sunday School. After the readings and sermon, they return to worship for prayers and communion.
Middle School/Confirmation – When students enter the 7th grade, they are encouraged to participate in our two-year confirmation program led by Pastor and an assistant. At the completion of their studies, they affirm their baptism during a worship service.
High School/Youth – A youth group is supported by members of Epiphany. The ELCA Youth Gathering for high school-age youth takes place every three years and is about faith formation, worship, study, fellowship, and service.
Camp Wartburg – Children and youth have enjoyed summer camp experiences at Camp Wartburg near Waterloo, Illinois.
The June 2023 Vacation Bible School was a partnership of three churches: Grace United Methodist Church in Carbondale, Mt Calvary Lutheran Church in DeSoto, and Epiphany Lutheran Church in Carbondale. The five-day intergenerational event was set in Rome along with the apostle Paul and the underground church. Participants were part of families that had denarii to spend at various marketplace vendors.