Local Partnerships
God’s work extends beyond our own doorsteps. Epiphany engages in various initiatives in southern Illinois through fundraising and by serving on councils, boards, and committees.
Epiphany Lutheran Church is a proud member of the ELCA, but we recognize that God’s work does not stop at our denomination. Epiphany engages in various ecumenical and interfaith initiatives in Southern Illinois. Epiphany members also serve on councils, committees, and boards of several agencies. We serve and financially support the following:
Carbondale Interfaith Council

The purpose of the Carbondale Interfaith Council is to make God’s love visible in our community by fostering interfaith cooperation, sharing religious experiences, engaging in service, discovering unity while respecting our differences, and speaking with courage and strength for justice.

SIUC Campus Ministries is an association for faith communities active at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Membership is open to all religious groups recognized by the university. Each faith community organizes its own activities.
The overall goals of Campus Ministries are to connect students to their particular faith community, to promote spiritual growth, and to support the relevancy of religious expression on our university campus.

Good Samaritan Ministries was established in 1985 by The Carbondale Interfaith Council to provide services to the needy in the Carbondale area. Good Sam provides an emergency shelter, a transitional housing program, a soup kitchen, a food pantry, and an emergency assistance program.
Food is collected in our fellowship hall and delivered to Good Sam during the months of September and February and other times based on need. Among other activities, every Super Bowl Sunday, we hold a Souper Bowl Sunday lunch to raise funds for the shelter that Good Sam provides.

Throughout the year, we collect and donate personal hygiene supplies for residents at Good Samaritan homeless shelter and the Women’s Center of Carbondale and their 24-hour crisis hotline 1-800-334-2094.

Responding to the Gospel, LSSI brings healing, justice, and wholeness to people and communities. Serving Illinois since 1867, LSSI is one of the largest statewide social service providers. LSSI provides critical programs including foster care, mental health services, alcohol and drug treatment, affordable senior housing, residential programs for people with developmental disabilities, and services that help families who have been impacted by incarceration.
LSSI provides critical programs including foster care, mental health services, alcohol and drug treatment, affordable senior housing, residential programs for people with developmental disabilities, and services that help families who have been impacted by incarceration.
Late summer to early fall Epiphany members and friends collect school supplies and funds to purchase shoes and backpacks for students. LSSI distributes these to students under their care.
During Lent, we collect and purchase Easter books, toys, baskets, and treats. Together, we assemble the items into the Easter baskets for children in the LSSI system.

The June 2023 Vacation Bible School was a partnership of three local churches: Grace United Methodist Church in Carbondale, Mt Calvary Lutheran Church in DeSoto, and Epiphany Lutheran Church in Carbondale. The five-day intergenerational event was set in Rome along with the apostle Paul and the underground church. Participants were part of families that had denarii to spend at various marketplace vendors.