Under the leadership of the Church Council President and the Pastor, the Council meets monthly to develop and lead policies and practices of the church. Members of the Council serve as Chairpersons of committees and/or officers of the Council. An annual budget is developed by the Finance Committee, approved by the Council, and presented to the Congregation for approval each year. All members of Epiphany are encouraged to use their time and talents to serve on committees of their choice.
Christian Education – plans and oversees educational programs for children and adults. Programs consist of Sunday School, Adult Education, Vacation Bible School, and Confirmation.
Communication – decides and implements ways to disseminate information to Epiphany members and potential visitors using Facebook, eHappenings emails, website, Epiphany Star our monthly newsletter, as well as traditional media outlets.
Evangelism – leads the congregation in reaching out with the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the community and cares for its members through such activities soup and salad suppers, welcoming, care team, shepherding teams, prayer partnering, and tailgating at SIU football games.
Fellowship – Plans and prepares food for social time after worship, potlucks, and other special occasions throughout the year.
Property – oversees proper maintenance and protection of property.
Social Ministry – Coordinates an outreach of Christian compassion and helpfulness to the people in need in our community.
Stewardship – Helps members discover how to use their time and talents in the service and expression of their Christian faith in daily living.
Worship and Music – Oversees the elements of providing meaningful worship services as well as Greeters and Ushers.
Youth – Guide, support, and counsel junior and senior high youth of Epiphany.
Committee Chairs for 2025
President: Cory Newman
Vice President: Tim Fink
Secretary: Chalmer Post
Christian Education: Jan Womack
Communication: Cory Newman
Evangelism: Beth Bivens
Fellowship: Ann Mays
Property: Patrick Seger
Social Ministry: Chalmer Post
Stewardship: Trish Welch
Worship: Tim Fink
Youth: Devin Miller

Finance Committee
Treasurer: Kevin Bame
Business Manager: Olise Mandat – business@elcarb.org