We understand Christian worship to be an encounter with God who is present with us in both Word and Sacrament. In the Good News of Jesus Christ read and proclaimed, God speaks to us.
We gather in the presence of the Triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We understand Christian worship to be an encounter with God, who is present with us in both Word and Sacrament. In the Good News of Jesus Christ read and proclaimed, God speaks to us. In Holy Communion, our Lord reaches out to us, his body and blood truly present in the bread and wine, forming us into his body for the sake of the world.
We welcome to the Lord’s Table all Christians who are baptized and who normally receive Communion in their home congregations. Those who commune may choose to receive wine or grape juice from the chalice or individual glasses. Gluten-free bread is used every week. Those who do not commune may come forward with those who do to receive a blessing.
Sundays – Worship begins at 9:30 am, lasts about an hour, and includes Holy Communion. We enjoy a variety of liturgical settings from denominational resources throughout the year accompanied by piano. Children are encouraged to come forward with their families. If they have not yet reached the age of first Communion, they may receive a blessing by Pastor. At age six they are invited to take their first communion. After the readings, children are invited to the front for Pastor’s Children’s Sermon.
Jazz Vespers, Second Sunday at 5:00 pm – A Sunday evening prayer service with members and guests of the New Arts Jazztet.
Lent/Advent Midweek – During the seasons of Lent and Advent an evening prayer service is held immediately after a simple soup and sandwich dinner. Participants are welcome to attend one or both.
Occasional Services at 7:00 pm – Evening worship services are also held for Christmas Eve, The Epiphany of Our Lord, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday.
Online Availability – As the church continues to grow and adapt, we strive to reach out through social media and the internet. Since 2020, we have been providing online access to our Sunday morning and Wednesday evening services (during Lent and Advent) through Zoom, which has been helpful and well received. Our Zoom link is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2101246575?pwd=MVhOR1FOb3BkWDJrQ09sMmR3ZTcyZz09. Meeting ID: 210 124 6575. Passcode: 1501. Phone (312) 626-6799. We have a Youtube channel so that family and friends may view recordings of special services.